Kansas City Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship

Announcements for Sunday, January 1, 2017

We wish all of you a joyous and blessed New Year.

This Thursday, January 5th we will be having the Commemoration for Yogananda’s birthday from 7-8pm with a meditation following from 8-9pm. All who are well enough acquainted with the SRF teachings to appreciate the significance of the Guru disciple relationship are welcome to attend. Please bring a flower and a donation.

On Saturday, January 7 we will have Paramahansa Yogananda’s Commemorative Meditation from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. If you cannot attend the whole meditation please plan on attending the first half, you may leave during the break at 1:10pm.
Next Sunday, January 8, we will celebrate Yogananda’s birthday with a cake social following the Reading Service. Everyone is invited to attend.
Sunday, January 15, the Social Committee will meet following the Reading Service. We invite anyone interested in learning more about the committee to attend.