Kansas City Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship

Announcements for Sunday, May 21, 2017

There will be a General Business Meeting today following the Reading Service with refreshments. All are encouraged to attend.

We will hold our Annual India Nitght dinner and Silent Auction on Saturday, June 10 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. This year funds raised will go towards paying off the mortgage which is due in September. Signup sheets and flyers are located in the Fellowship Hall. Please invite your friends and family and wear your favorite Indian Attire.

We are looking for items or services for the Silent Auction please sign up in the foyer if you can donate.

We will be having a garage sale this fall. Please save items as you are spring cleaning that we can use in the sale.

Announcements for Sunday, April 30, 2017

Spring Service Days will be Saturday, May 6th, 10 am – 2 pm and Sunday, May 7th. We will be beautifying inside and out. Any amount of time you can give will be a great help. Please sign up in the social room so we have a count for lunch which is served to all volunteers.

Sunday May 7th we will have a short harmonium players meeting immediately following the Reading Service in the Teen Room.

Wednesday, May 10th from7-8pm there will be a Commemoration Service for Sri Yukteswar’s Birthday followed by a meditation from 8-9pm.

We invite all children and teens between the ages of 7 to 18 to the SRF Summer Day Program in Encinitas. This program ushers in a new era of training for youth in our Guru’s How-to-Live spiritual principles. With guidance from SRF monastics, teens and children will have an opportunity to deepen their relationship with God, learn SRF techniques of meditation, engage in fun activities and create friendships with spiritually-minded peers
The girls week will be June 26-30 and the boys week July 3-7. Please see the flyer describing the program, located foyer , or visit the SRF website home page and click on “2017 Youth Events.”

Announcements for Sunday, April 8, 2017

Spring Service Days are coming up on Saturday, April 29th and Sunday, May 7th. We will be cleaning inside and out. Any amount of time you can give will be a great help in beautifying our chapel.

Please join us from 9:00 am – 5 pm on Saturday, April 22, for our annual Spring Day Silent Retreat here at our chapel. The retreat will include group Energization Exercises, Chanting, Meditation, an inspirational DVD, plenty of Free Time for walking, relaxing, writing, and reading. This day, devoted to going deep into the silence within, will help you develop a more personal relationship with God. For more information and to register, pick up a flyer in the foyer or the online brochure (pdf).

Our Good Friday meditation will be April 14 from 7-9pm.

Announcements for Sunday, April 2, 2017

Please join us for a day of spiritual renewal at our Spring day retreat on Saturday, April 22. For more information and to register, pick up a flyer in the foyer or online here. Retreat Brochure and Registration Form (pdf)

Our Good Friday meditation will be April 14 from 7-9pm.

Sunday, April 9th there will be a short Gardening meeting following the reading service. All who are interested in finding out more about this committee are invited to attend.

The results of our annual elections are posted on the bulletin board in the foyer.

Announcements for Sunday, March 5, 2017

Tuesday, March 7, we will have a commemoration service for the Mahasamadhi of Paramahansa Yogananda. Then on Thursday, March 9, we will have the commemoration service for the Mahasamadhi of Sri Yukteswar. Both services will be from 7-8pm followed by a meditation from 8-9pm. Those who are well enough acquainted with the Guru/disciple relationship are encouraged to attend.

On Sunday, March 12, Managing Council will be hosting a Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon after the Reading Service. We hope all who volunteer their time and talents to keep our group running will attend!

Save the date for Movie night, Saturday evening, March 25th at the Sulgrave Regency Complex. Flyers are available in the Fellowship Hall with more details.

Sunday March 19 there will be a short group meeting following the service. We have some important business to discuss regarding our altar. We ask that everyone take time to attend this meeting. An email with more information will be sent prior to the meeting with more information.

Spring Silent Retreat – We will be holding a day retreat from 9 am to 5 pm on Saturday, April 22nd, at our chapel. Use this Retreat Brochure and Registration Form (pdf) by April 16th.

Announcements for Sunday, February 5, 2017

On Sunday, February 12 we will have a General Business Meeting, which will include our annual elections. The meeting agenda and list of candidates will be posted in the foyer.
There will be a Meet and Greet with refreshments on Sunday, February 19 following the Reading Service. We especially encourage those who are new to our group to come and get better acquainted.

Announcements for Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sunday, February 5, the Social Committee will meet after the Reading Service. We invite anyone interested in learning more about the committee.
On Sunday, February 12 we will have a General Business Meeting, which will include our annual elections. The meeting agenda and list of candidates will be posted in the foyer.
There will be a Meet and Greet with refreshments on Sunday, February 19 following the Reading Service. We especially encourage those who are new to our group to come and get better acquainted.

Announcements for Sunday, January 22, 2017

Next Sunday, January 29, there will be a Greeters meeting. Volunteers and anyone interested in volunteering is invited to attend.
Sunday, February 5, the Social Committee will meet after the Reading Service. We invite anyone interested in learning more about the committee to attend.

Announcements for Sunday, January 1, 2017

We wish all of you a joyous and blessed New Year.

This Thursday, January 5th we will be having the Commemoration for Yogananda’s birthday from 7-8pm with a meditation following from 8-9pm. All who are well enough acquainted with the SRF teachings to appreciate the significance of the Guru disciple relationship are welcome to attend. Please bring a flower and a donation.

On Saturday, January 7 we will have Paramahansa Yogananda’s Commemorative Meditation from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. If you cannot attend the whole meditation please plan on attending the first half, you may leave during the break at 1:10pm.
Next Sunday, January 8, we will celebrate Yogananda’s birthday with a cake social following the Reading Service. Everyone is invited to attend.
Sunday, January 15, the Social Committee will meet following the Reading Service. We invite anyone interested in learning more about the committee to attend.

Announcements for Sunday, December 11, 2016

Saturday, December 17th, from 10am to 6pm will be our All-Day Christmas meditation. If you are unable to attend the whole service please attend the first half. If you have a cold or cough we suggest you meditate at home. Copies of guidelines are available in the foyer.

We will be having a meditation on Christmas Eve from 7-9 pm. But will not be having meditation and reading services on Sunday, December 25th.

Thursday, December 29th will be our monthly kirtan from 7-9 pm.

Thursday, January 5th we will be having the Commemoration for Yogananda’s birthday from 7-8pm with a meditation following from 8-9pm.

Then on Saturday, January 7 we will have Paramahansa Yogananda’s Commemorative Meditation from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.