“Life should be chiefly service. Every good action that you perform digs like a pickax into the soil of consciousness and brings forth a little spray from the fountain of God’s joy.” ~Paramahansa Yogananda
We welcome your interest in serving at our Meditation Group. The Kansas City Meditation Group of SRF is completely self-supporting and operated entirely by volunteers. All offerings of time and enthusiasm are most welcome. Volunteer tasks range from taking a few minutes to a few hours, and you are welcome to serve infrequently or to volunteer monthly or more. If you wish to inquire about opportunities to serve please contact a member of the Managing Council.
Volunteer Position Descriptions
Serve as an attendant in the bookroom before and after Sunday Services. Help people find items for sale and handle cash box.
Work as part of a team to vacuum and dust, clean bathrooms and kitchen, clean windows, etc.
Work as part of a team to provide fresh flower arrangements for services and other special requests.
Lead chanting of the Cosmic Chants on the harmonium for meditations and services – (must be an SRF Lessons student).
Sunshine Committee:
Offer prayers, greetings, support and friendship to our members and friends. This can include hospital visits, running errands, sending cards and flowers, or providing food delivery to homes of ill members.
Participate in the kirtan group. Kirtan is devotional chanting accompanied by traditional Indian musical instruments such as the harmonium, tablas, cymbals, chiplas, bells and tanpura. The kirtan group leads chanting at a kirtan held on the last Thursday of each month.
Maintain grounds, help with various gardening duties such as weeding, planting and watering.
Service Reader:
Conduct readings services using guidelines from the SRF manual of services – (must be a Kriyaban and attending Group services regularly).
Social Events:
Assist with preparations for the monthly potluck social and other special events.
Sunday School / Teen Group:
Work as a Sunday school or Teen Group teacher or aide – (must be a Kriyaban and attending Group services regularly).
Usher during services. Open and prepare chapel for services. Greet members and visitors at the door. Provide information and answer questions for newcomers. Take Sunday offering. Close chapel after services.
Work as a team member to plan and implement our fall silent weekend retreat and/or our spring day retreat. Work with retreat facilities, create schedules, brochures and announcements, ensuring smooth and devotional experience for all retreatants.
Team members handle audio visual requirements for services and special events.
Communications Committee:
Responsible for maintaining website, preparing copy for e-newsletter, helping to provide informational materials such as flyers and business cards.