We are affiliated with Self-Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles, California. Our Guru is Paramahansa Yogananda. The purpose of Self-Realization Fellowship is to disseminate a knowledge of definite scientific techniques for attaining direct personal experience of God. The Fellowship is dedicated to promoting a greater understanding and harmony among the world’s various religions by teaching the fundamental principal of religion: how to commune personally with God.
If you have never meditated before, here are some simple guidelines to prepare for meditation:
1. Sit with the spine erect. (If you can, do not lean against the backrest.)
2. Keep the eyes closed.
3. Relax the body.
4. Calm the mind.
5. Concentrate your attention at the point between the eyebrows, the seat of the spiritual eye in man.
6. Those who know an SRF technique of concentration may practice it silently with devotion.
7. If you know no definite technique of meditation, you may talk with God in the language of your heart, praying or chanting inwardly with the attention focused at the spiritual eye. By daily meditation with the attention at the Christ center you will realize the eternal truth of Jesus’ words- “The kingdom of God is within you.”
The meditation services provide members and students with an opportunity to practice together the methods of concentration and meditation taught in the Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons. The flame of one match is small and weak; the fire from many matches is large and strong. The united devotion and concentration of many yoga devotees can powerfully increase the meditational depth of each individual.
Passages from the scripture interpretations and other writings of Paramahansa Yogananda are included in the Main Reading Service. The inspirational readings, together with chanting and meditation, make up a balanced service that meets the needs of both longtime SRF members and those who are new to the path.
We hope you will feel welcomed here at the Kansas City Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship. Please come and meditate with us as often as possible. And don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you might have.