Spring Service Days will be Saturday, May 6th, 10 am – 2 pm and Sunday, May 7th. We will be beautifying inside and out. Any amount of time you can give will be a great help. Please sign up in the social room so we have a count for lunch which is served to all volunteers.
Sunday May 7th we will have a short harmonium players meeting immediately following the Reading Service in the Teen Room.
Wednesday, May 10th from7-8pm there will be a Commemoration Service for Sri Yukteswar’s Birthday followed by a meditation from 8-9pm.
We invite all children and teens between the ages of 7 to 18 to the SRF Summer Day Program in Encinitas. This program ushers in a new era of training for youth in our Guru’s How-to-Live spiritual principles. With guidance from SRF monastics, teens and children will have an opportunity to deepen their relationship with God, learn SRF techniques of meditation, engage in fun activities and create friendships with spiritually-minded peers
The girls week will be June 26-30 and the boys week July 3-7. Please see the flyer describing the program, located foyer , or visit the SRF website home page and click on “2017 Youth Events.”